Michael D Lukens

Michael D LukensI received my BA in Psychology from Temple U 1980, my MA in Clinical Psychology from UConn in 1984 and my PhD in Clinical Psychology from UConn in 1987. I had a very Fortunate training experience as an undergraduate as I got to work closely with Jay fran, who at the time was director of Temple's doctoral program in Clinical Psychology. We grew to become colleagues and friends, and I co-authored the book Language, Structure and Change: Frameworks of Meaning in Psychotherapy (1990). I learned far more than I believe I ever would have without his uniquely valuable tutelage. I have been working on a theory of motivation for 30 years, titled the Physics of Emotioning: A Constructivist's Understanding of the Motivational Forces Governing Volitional Behavior, wìth publication pending. The theory puts our emotional response system in the role of controlling what our Will happens to be made of at any given point in time. All of our willful actions are determined by the structure of our ambivalence -- our mixed goals and our mixed feelings -- at each and every moment of our lives. I've worked in the eating disorders and addiction fields for much of my career, but I've always also been a generalist, focusing on the broad idea of our shared struggle with pain and defenses against pain that backfire and do more harm than good, helping people with all sorts of problems and struggles. I've served as both the clinical director of some prominent programs in the state of Florida, as a consultant to fortune 500 companies, and professional athletes. In 2019 I finished volume 1 of Addiction and Emotion the first half of a two volume set that applies the PoE theory to addiction. Morale, morality, Trance, and Escapism are all important 'human mind factors' that account for the 'fact pattern' of addiction better than other conceptual frameworks such as CBT or 12 steps. I recently retired to focus on building my company, TruthMap. I currently live in South Florida, married to Regina for almost 30 years, and we have two sons. You can find me on the following social media platforms: Instagram: @sitwithdrlukens Twitter: @mdlukensphd Facebook: facebook.com/mdlukensphd Medium: @mdlukensphd. Read More Read Less

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