Michael Andrew Cook

Michael Andrew CookMichael is an arts educator with a deep passion for creativity. His life has been filled with many varying work and life experiences. Born and raised in the countryside of South Australia, Michael's connection with nature became an integral part of hs artistic journey. He remembers his family road trips as a child fondly, watching the changing scenery and looking out for wildlife. At the age of fifteen, Michael embarked on a life-changing year long student exchange to Uruguay, where he immersed himself in vibrant South American cultures. This exposure to different languages and cultures further inspired his own creativity, and future travel. Michael has stayed in a zen temple in Japan, been in a train that came off its rails in Sri Lanka, visited Cambodia, survived a hurricane in Florida, trekked across Europe, and taught English and drama in the bustling city-state of Singapore. Michael's creativity transitions from inside his classrooms to the pursuit of other artistic endeavours. He has graced the stage of jazz clubs, restaurants, clubs, and theatres, and has held his own Adelaide Fringe show. 8/10 songs in his most recent album (Dreams of Paradise) were shortlisted in the Australian Songwriters Awards, and his instrumental skills earned him a Somerville Instrumental Award. With a keen eye for detail (inspired by watching his father paint), Michael also has a degree in fine art. His understanding of aesthetics combined with years of practice have resulted in paintings and illustrations that evoke emotion and spark imagination. These art skills, combined with what he's learned as a teacher have combined in the creation of 'The Owl Lantern' trilogy'. Michael believes that, "Adversity in life should not be denied, yet creative expression can help us find meaning, purpose and compassion. Facing the journey with sincerity and a passion for learning appears to assist the growth of our resilience. We should not limit ourselves to what we could do yesterday, instead, fall in love with the processes and be surprised by what we can do tomorrow." Read More Read Less

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Owl Lantern Part One11 % NR
Publisher: Palette & Piano
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18 Jul 2023
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Owl Lantern Part One12 % NR
Publisher: Palette & Piano
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18 Jul 2023
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The Tahini Table19 % NR
Publisher: Agate Publishing
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10 Nov 2020
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