Micaa Thomas

Micaa ThomasMicaa' Thomas was born in Beaumont, Texas, and currently resides in Florida. She is a professional Golfer, Painter, Award-Winning Film Director, Producer, and a First-Time Author. She is a 2020 graduate from Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD),Savannah, Georgia. At SCAD, she majored in Visual Effects, Animation, and Drawing and was a student-artist-athlete on the women's golf team. An interesting fact is Micaa' developed an adult-onset food allergy in her twenties and managed her condition with information and treatment from her physician. In conclusion, as a professional golfer during the day and an author and Film Producer by night, Micaa' continues to be quite busy branding her name in the creative art community and honing her skills in professional golf. Throughout her journey in both of her passionate careers, her motivation stems from her curiosity to bring to life a social cause for positive change through captivating storytelling and training intensely to perform optimally as a competitive golf professional. Read More Read Less

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Penny and the PeanutNR
Publisher: Micaa Thomas
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22 Feb 2022
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