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Mervyn Curran

Mervyn CurranHello, my name is Mervyn Curran. I am 52 years old and I live in Dublin, Ireland. I am married to Rachel and we have three children ranging in ages from 32 down to 22. We are also guardians to Rachel`s 12 year old nephew who lost his parents eight yers ago. So, having gotten used to our kids being mostly grown, we suddenly had a four year old on the Autism spectrum to enjoy raising. Rachel has worked wonders with him as he needs a lot of structure in his day.
I work as a nightshift manager for a fresh produce distribution company in Dublin and Rachel is an in-home carer to her elderly mother and the aforementioned nephew. Its challenging but in a good way, mostly!
I`ve always dabbled in writing but never really took it seriously until about four years ago. I had a couple of good ideas for stories and I decided to see if I could develop the ideas into full length novels. I managed to do that and produced two books. I enjoy the process of writing insofar as I like trying to expand an event or a character to the level of actual story telling. I like encountering obstacles in my story that I have to work my way around in a believable way. It seems to me that a story unfolds as it will, and characters develop in their own time and in their own way. I had only a vague idea of how somebody would behave or how their part in the story would play out and I`m always fascinated to watch the story spin out.
I once read Stephen King basically saying how he wasnt always sure how a story would end and he just wrote it as it wanted to be written. I didnt understand that until I tried to write for myself. It seems to me to be an organic process in that it changes its shape and size as you write. I hope I`ve written stories that people can enjoy reading and I hope I can keep writing in the future.
regards, Mervyn.
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