Mendez Nelson

Mendez NelsonMendez Nelson is an Occupational Therapist. She lives in Madison, Mississippi. Her husband, Kevin, is an Oral Oncology Dentist. They attend Fondren Church. Mendez is on the Magnolia Speech School Board. She serves as Board Secretary for the Crisis Prgnancy Center of Southwest Mississippi. She also serves on the Mississippi Occupational Therapy Association Board as Legislative Co-Chair of the Mental Health Committee. Additionally, Mendez volunteers as a committee member with Anchored: A Christian Grief Retreat to help young girls and teens cope with the loss of loved ones. Finally, she serves on Emmaus and Chrysalis Retreat Teams.Mendez felt called to initiate the writing of this book so readers would know they are loved and seen by God. Her prayer is that as you read the chapters and teaching-devotions in Unseen, you will sense God's presence and know that you are always seen by Him. Read More Read Less

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13 Jun 2024
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