Melvin E BanksDr. Melvin E. Banks is the founder of Urban Ministries, Inc., the largest African-American Christian media and content provider, serving over 50,000 churches with curriculum, books, magazines, Bible studies, videos, teaching resources, and more. Alabma native Dr. Banks began his spiritual journey at the age of 12, sharing Bible stories with younger children and traveling with his mentor to Birmingham's remote parts to give his testimony to adults. Inspired by Hosea 4:6, where God says, My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge, he established UMI in 1970 to publish positive images of African-Americans in the biblical experience. During its first 12 years, UMI operated from the basement of the Banks' home, and Dr. Banks marketed his first Sunday School curriculum, InTeen, to churches out of his car's trunk. Dr. Banks received an honorary doctorate from his alma mater, Wheaton College, where he served as a trustee for many years. Moody Bible Institute honored him as an Alumnus of the year, and Dr. Banks was recognized for his achievements by the History Makers Foundation. Today UMI's innovative work has led to many publishers becoming more ethnically and racially diverse in their efforts. Materials include Sunday School curriculum, Vacation Bible School resources, books, videos, music, and website - all of which speak to people of color in the context of their culture. For more information, please visit Read More Read Less