Melody McFarlane

Melody McFarlaneAlmost forty years ago, Melody McFarlane woke from a sound sleep with a story running through her head. She sat up in bed, grabbed a pen and paper, and began writing about a little girl who loved to day dream. The words flowed from her pen and when fnished, she stuck the pad in her nightstand drawer. Over the years, Melody often thought of that little story but never acted on it, not yet knowing its purpose.During a recent move, she found the story and felt it was time bring the story to life. In her mind, Melody knew what her character should look like, and found illustrator Afroja Bithi whose illustrations matched Melody's vision. It was only after she saw the first sketches that Melody realized it looked like her oldest daughter, Angela. Therefore, the character became "Angelina," the nickname her grandmother liked to use.Melody is married to Blair and they have four children, five grandchildren, two dogs, and a cat. Melody is now retired from a successful career in network marketing. Read More Read Less

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Angelina Dreams Big14 % NR
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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