Melissa McLean Jory

Melissa McLean JoryMelissa McLean Jory, MNT, is a nutrition therapist, with a degree in exercise science and a certified yoga teacher, and has a personal interest and expertise in celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and holistic health. She enjoys hiking, backpcking, telemark skiing, and yoga as part of what she considers her "freedom from disease" way of living. She takes her wholesome gluten-free lifestyle on the road, on the trail, or into the mountains and has found there's no reason you can't live an active (even rather extreme) lifestyle once you learn the necessary steps to clean out your body, start yourself on a healing path, and regain your energy and wellbeing. This is her first book. Read More Read Less

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Gluten-Free Edge14 % NR
Publisher: Experiment
4.6 (7)
17 Jul 2012
International Edition
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