
MelethDr. Sree Meleth was raised in a Hindu Nair family by a devout father and an agnostic mother. She was working her way through the typical teenage angst of trying to decide whether she believed in God or not when she lost her mother in a plane crash atthe age of 19. With her mother, Sree lost her sense of home, her single steadfast source of emotional support, and her trust in life. A few months later, still bruised, shocked, and very tired of the back and forth in her mind about whether or not to believe in a God, Sree decided to try living as if she were a believer. Today, some 42 years later, that tentative step towards faith has blossomed into a steadfast knowing and unshakable connection.That faith has stood her in good stead. Since that devastating night, on Dec 31st, 1977, when she lost her Mom, Sree has experienced life in all of its messy glory, from the devastation of loved ones committing suicide and falling prey to addictions to losing a child.While moving across three continents and living in over 30 different homes, as her physician husband worked through post-graduate training, Sree not only raised two wonderfully successful children, she earned three Master's degrees and a doctoral degree. Sree is the poster child for the Imposter Syndrome. Despite all of these achievements, Sree often falls into the trap of worrying that she is not good enough, comparing herself to her peers, dismissing her accomplishments as a fluke, and spiraling into a dark hole of inaction or, more often, ineffective action. She knows how devastating and stunting this constant questioning is.She believes from the bottom of her heart that her purpose in life is to help her fellow human beings drop these questions of value and worth and stand tall in the knowledge that they are invaluable human beings.This book of guided meditations is one way she is stepping into that purpose. She is also a transformational life coach who has helped many clients on this journey of self-discovery. Read More Read Less

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More than Peace, Power & Presence through MeditationNR
By: Meleth
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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29 Jul 2021
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