Melanie Kallai

Melanie KallaiMelanie Kallai grew up in Tampa Bay area in an eccentric little town called Gibsonton. She published her first book, Eternity Rising, in 2010, while pursuing her B.A. in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Befre that, Melanie owned a dance studio and performed every chance she got. Her books, Afternoon Tea and Ballet Class, were inspired by her youngest dancers and illustrated by a former student turned talented artist. She is a member of the Northern Colorado Writers, and her non-fiction memoir titled What We Keep, was published in the 2020 Colorado Book Award-winning anthology Rise: An Anthology of Change. Melanie has also published creative non-fiction pieces in multiple online journals. She lives in Colorado with her husband, son, and capricious dog, where she still teaches dance on occasion and travels as often as possible. Read More Read Less

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