Mel Mardon

Mel MardonI am Mel Mardon, a natural born psychic/medium and mental health professional. Having completed diplomas and various certificates in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, PTSD counseling, Life Coaching, Play Therapy and Dementia Care, I have been changing lies for the past twenty two years globally and continue to be of service to people. I have always loved writing, but mostly poetry. It was only after my two eldest sons died a year apart that I felt compelled to make this dream a reality so that I could better reach people and offer inspiration, compassion and perhaps even insight. I live in Sydney, Australia with my husband and only remaining son and love life here. I am definitely not your conventional mental health professional and yet people refer to me as real, authentic and on point. Read More Read Less

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Grief isn't for sissies!3 % NR
Publisher: Tablo Pty Ltd
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04 May 2020
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