Meghan Parkes

Meghan ParkesMeghan Parkes is the author of 'The First Time Moms Pregnancy Guide: 40 Things You MUST DO Before You're Due!' and co-author of 'The First Time Dads Weekly Pregnancy Guide'. If you're more of a forget the book, just read to me kind-of-gal, you can alo find the audiobook version of these books.She proudly holds a Masters Degree in Psychology and Journalism from Duke University. While you may not find Meghan working in the parenting field outside of writing, she is kept heavily occupied by being a mother to four children. She is also the Parenting Guru for her social groups and runs a popular mom-blog on pregnancy and parenthood.Meghan has the unique ability to turn her everyday experiences into comical antidotes of advice. You will find yourself chuckling in amusement alongside Meghan as she relives motherhoods best moments and recreates them with her award-winning illustrations.Meghan resides in North Carolina with her husband and four children. Did I mention her children are all under four years old... and she somehow still finds time to write books! Read More Read Less

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First Time Dads Weekly Pregnancy GuideNR
Publisher: Fiidim Pty Ltd
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27 Oct 2021
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