Megan Doolittle

Megan DoolittleJane Ribbens McCarthy is Reader in Family Studies at The Open University. She is an internationally established scholar on family and relationship studies and has helped to shape family sociology in significant ways over the years. She is currently C-Director of the Families and Relationships programme within the Open University's prestigious Centre for Citizenship, Identities and Governance. Megan Doolittle is a Senior Lecturer in Social Policy at The Open University in London. She is a social historian with interests in histories of the family, fatherhood, contemporary families and their alternatives, domestic space and family life, and relationships between social policy and the family. Shelley Day Sclater is a freelance writer. Formerly a lawyer, an academic psychologist and Professor of Psychosocial Studies at University of East London, she now writes fiction. She has won prizes for her short stories and is the 2011 winner of the Andrea Badenoch Award for her novel-in-progress 'The Confession of Stella Moon.' She is doing the Creative Writing MA at Newcastle University. Read More Read Less

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