Meade Macguire

Meade MacguireMeade MacGuire (1875-1967) was a prominent Seventh-day Adventist leader and author. As a young man, his desire to reach the youth of the church led him to organize one of the first youth societies among Adventists. The idea was met with much condescesion on the part of the elders, but young Meade pushed on and started meeting with the young people to study, sing, pray, and give testimonies.This drive carried MacGuire through many years of service to the Church in numerous capacities. He served at the Review and Herald Publishing Association, organized the youth of Battle Creek for study and missionary work, served in the Colorado Conference office, was business manager of Boulder Sanitarium and Hospital, and is the author of a number small books on the 1888 gospel message.Until his death in the 1960s, Meade MacGuire faithfully carried the standard of the 1888 message and shared it in his beautiful and simple way wherever he had the opportunity. Read More Read Less

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