MDIV WebbAuthor W. J. Webb is a Certified Clinical Supervisor with the Georgia Addiction Counselors' Association. He has worked professionally as a Mental Health, Criminal Justice, Addiction Clinician and Theological Educator for over 40 years. He has receive an award from the Governor of the State of Georgia for his contributions in mental health and substance abuse services. He is a pastor and instructor of public theology. Webb is the CEO of the Christian Association of Public Theologians in Atlanta, GA. He is a graduate of Morehouse College, Clark Atlanta University, Georgia State University and the Morehouse School of Religion at ITC in Atlanta, GA. His ministerial efforts are focused on ameliorating the serious escalating culture crisis humanity faces. He believes that public theology (in addition to private religion) used through the disciplines of God's gifts of science, art, law and true religion, has the potential to solve human problems. Public theology embraces the whole Gospel for the whole person for the whole world. Read More Read Less

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