Mbeke WasemeMbeke Waseme is writer. She is a mother, grandmother, educational consultant coach and public speaker who has authored two books: Exploring All of Me (1987) and then it was 2020 (2020), which are both poetry anthologies. Mbeke has enjoyed writing sine she was in secondary (high) school where she began writing poems and short stories. Writing came with ease and she often read stories, articles and poems where she thought, I could write that!. At 11 years old, she won second place in the then, Black Penmanship Award, with her poem' What does being black mean to me'. As an adult, she has continued to write. She is a contributor to This is Us: Black, British, and Female(2019), Trusted Black Girl: Challenging perceptions and maximizing the potential of black women in the UK workplace, edited by Roianne Nedd (2018) and her work will appear in the 2022 publication of stories of black women and the menopause.Her short stories and poems have been published by Fifth Estate, Dovetails, Pure Slush, Home, The Writers Café and Flexible publishers. Shealso has essays and academic articles published in Pambazuka, 72M and Anastamos. She is an experienced photographer, who has had work featured alongside her articles in the African Business and Culture Magazine, The Alarm Magazine, Diversity Business Promotes, Turning PointMagazine, and Black Ballad. In 2021, Mbeke released the first recordings of her poems, We Women Who Travel and Hold Me with Xolo Spkg's The Unravelling Soul - Part 1 (2021). Connect with the authorLinkedin: https: //www.linkedin.com/in/mbekewaseme/Instagram: mbekewinternationalTwitter: mbeke_waseme Read More Read Less