MBA Billy Randal Maynard

MBA Billy Randal MaynardBilly is an Asst. Pastor at Owsley Free Will Baptist Church near Pikeville, Ky. Billy and his lovely wife Patty now live in Salyersville, Ky where Patty still works as a tax accountant and insurance agent. Billy retired from his insurance practice in2016. Take the Road to Somewhere 2nd Ed. needed to be written because much has happened over the last twenty-plus years since the first one was written just after September 9, 11 2001. Billy finished the 1st edition just a few months after the attack on the Twin Towers (a poem was written about that in both 1st Ed. And the 2nd Ed. Billy believes God" speaks to him "and inspires him to write poetry, essays, and short stories. The Holy Spirit gives Billy ideas as he experiences visions, dreams, and inspiration from life in the ministry. Billy hopes you enjoy the new additions and photos added to the book. Several photos are included for your consideration. Read More Read Less

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31 May 2023
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