Maximo Serrano Hercules

Maximo Serrano HerculesMáximo Serrano Hércules was born February of 1961 in El Salvador. He came from a peasant family working in the countryside. He had very little education due to the precarious economic conditions in the country, so he had to start working in the farmssince his adolescence. Being so young, he sees himself in a desperate situation due to the internal political war in El Salvador. By the simple instinct to preserve life, he was forced to migrate to other countries. He adventured to a working journey in different unfamiliar lands - from Guatemala, Mexico, the United States, and Canada by infrahuman status as an undocumented person. Because of the veracious war problem that caused bloodshed in his country, the United Nations in 1989 granted him a permanent residency in Canada - he now works regular as a Canadian Citizen. He uses his free time for literature and does his responsibilities. He loves poetry and anything associated with arts and culture. Read More Read Less

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