Matthias D Hofer

Matthias D HoferDr. Hofer is Assistant Professor of Urology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. He graduated magna cum laude from the University of Ulm in Ulm, Germany with both an M.D and Ph.D. and went on to complete his residency training at Nrthwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. He subsequently completed a fellowship at UT Southwestern in Dallas, TX specializing in reconstruction, trauma, and prosthetics. His clinical interests include the treatment of stress urinary incontinence, which often occurs following surgery for prostate cancer. He is also an expert in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). He spent time during a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard focusing on biomarkers of prostate cancer progression and metastasis. This included experience in clinical research, both patient-based and tissue-based, all of which he continued to implement in his research endeavors. His research efforts also include benign prostatic hyperplasia, reconstruction, and urethral wound healing. Read More Read Less

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