Matthew Gavin FrankMatthew Gavin Frank is the author of THE MORROW PLOTS (Black Lawrence Press), Sagittarius Agitprop (Black Lawrence Press), Pot Farm (The University of Nebraska Press/Bison Books), Barolo (The University of Nebraska Press), ARRANTY IN ZULU (Barrow Street Press), and the chapbooks Four Hours to Mpumalanga (Pudding House Publications), and Aardvark (West Town Press). Recent work appears in The New Republic, The Huffington Post, Field, Epoch, AGNI, The Iowa Review, Seneca Review, Crazyhorse, Indiana Review, North American Review, Pleiades, Crab Orchard Review, The Best Food Writing, The Best Travel Writing, Creative Nonfiction, Prairie Schooner, Hotel Amerika, Gastronomica, and others. He was born and raised in Illinois, and currently teaches Creative Writing in the MFA Program at Northern Michigan University, where he is the Nonfiction Editor of Passages North. This winter, he prepared his first batch of whitefish-thimbleberry ice cream. Read More Read Less