Matthew D Matsaganis

Matthew D MatsaganisMatthew D. Matsaganis (Ph.D., University of Southern California) is an Assistant Professor of Communication at the University at Albany, State University of New York. His research addresses issues of ethnic media production and sustainability, neighbrhood effects and the role of communication in building civic engagement and community capacity, as well as health disparities and the social determinants of health. His research has been published in the American Behavioral Scientist, Human Communication Research, the Electronic Journal of Communication, and the Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications; he has presented his work at a number of academic and professional conferences. Matthew is also a recovering print journalist. He has worked for a variety of publications in Athens, Greece and New York City. In November 2001, he received a certificate of recognition from the U.S. Congress for his work as a journalist and for promoting Greek-American friendship and cooperation. Read More Read Less

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Ethnic Media in the Digital Age7 % NR
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Understanding Ethnic Media18 % NR
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