Matt Paradise

Matt ParadiseMatt Paradise is a renowned financial educator who is passionate about transforming lives. He has empowered more than 100,000 people to improve their credit scores, pay off their debt, and save enough money to achieve their financial goals. As a highy sought--after speaker, he has taught people in all walks of life, from Harvard University's lecture halls to homeless shelters throughout New England. His unique programs have been featured in the Massachusetts State House, Fidelity Investments, the Department of Corrections, many nonprofits, and corporations large and small.His leadership helped establish the Massachusetts Financial Education Collaborative, a statewide financial literacy office that created K-12 financial education legislation signed into law by Governor Charlie Baker. Matt also coauthored publications with the Massachusetts State Treasurer, the Federal Reserve Bank, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.Matt has provided expert commentary for many media outlets, including Fox, New England Cable News (NECN), NBCUniversal, Wall Street Watchdog, Street Insider, Telegram & Gazette, Benzinga, Credit Union Insight, and Credit Union Today.He has earned multiple licenses and certifications in the financial education field, including the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education (AFCPE(c)) Accredited Credit Counselor, Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF(c)), and Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist (CITRMS(c)). Much like famed investor Warren Buffett, Matt believes that his Dale Carnegie graduation certificates are treasured investments.Matt helped establish credit counseling and financial education departments with American Consumer Credit Counseling, which grew to support approximately 140 employees with an annual revenue in excess of $14 million. He is now an active board member leading the organization to greater growth.A man of great faith, Matt has volunteered with multiple nonprofit boards. He served as chairman of Early Childhood Alliance, president of the Massachusetts Jump$tart Coalition, and member of the board of Boston Career Connections. Matt also ran a HOPE worldwide food pantry with his wife, serving 500 families per month. He is currently the treasurer of the MetroWest Nonprofit Network.On his personal path to financial well--being, he has overcome drug addiction, homelessness, cancer, and a liver transplant. He is a proud father, loving husband, and care provider for his in--laws. His poodle, Odyssey, keeps him active, and music soothes his soul. He gave up a professional drumming career years ago, but enjoys playing in his church band and with friends. Matt and his family live in the Greater Boston area.Contact Matt, book him as a speaker, and access more resources from this book at Read More Read Less

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