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Mason T Engel

Mason T EngelMason is a 23-year-old science-fiction writer from Columbus, Indiana. Here are some fun facts about him: He's a Purdue grad with a major in math (so writing, right?) He loves playing sports (soccer and basketball especially) He is more than a little CD about his schedule;) ABOUT HIS WRITING He earned Amazon's #1 spot in dystopian fiction, post-apocalyptic fiction, and the #4 spot in science-fiction overall, with his novel, 2084. He speaks to promote literacy at local schools and spreads his love of reading and writing through community involvement. He earned 3rd place in the national BEA festival out of 1,500+ submissions, and was accepted into the Florida Hollywood Film Festival with his film, Amends. He serves on the global writers' panel for the critically acclaimed science-fiction consulting firm, SciFutures. WHAT HE'S WRITING In the seven novels he has written, his first and foremost goal has always been to entertain YOU, to provide you an escape from the real world and, when you're ready, some inspiration to return to it. The 2084 series - other novels in the same world as his debut, 2084 The Outliers trilogy - the tale of an Illuminati-like organization with access to unprecedented influence and technology Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Mason Engel
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06 Jun 2017
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