Mary Lynn Kluss

Mary Lynn KlussMy name is Mary Lynn Kluss. I am a locally, renowned portrait artist who has operated a hand painted, portrait business in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin since 1998. See my web site at This is my first book about unwanted animals, a subect that is dear to my heart. I have witnessed actual abuse of animals; but, by far the worst abuse is neglect because there is no visible evidence upon which officials can base enforcement of laws. In other words, if the animal is not dead, or near death, the official cannot take any action to save the animals and then in most cases, it is too late anyway. Therefore, I have vowed to use my voice and talent to produce testament to the suffering of defenseless, domesticated animals. See the above picture of me holding Little Girl, Flash's mother, who gave us five beautiful kittens. Luckily she found a home with us at our Heavenly Acres Farm and the story has a happy ending; but, it could have ended in severe suffering up to and including death. To order the book go to or my author facebook page. Let it be known that 25% of all profits from the sale of the book will go to the Humane Society. . Author Biography Read More Read Less

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