Mary Ellen Zator EstesMary Ellen Zator Estes is an RN, MSN, FNP-BC, NP-C Family Nurse Practitioner in Internal Medicine, in Fairfax, Virginia and Nursing Consultant, Vienna, Virginia. Mary Ellen Zator Estes obtained her baccalaureate and Master's degrees in nursing and he Family Nurse Practitioner certificate from the University of Virginia. She has taught at the University of Virginia, Marymount University, Northern Virginia Community College, and The George Washington University Medical Center. She has also served as Clinical Faculty for Ball State University. With over 25 years' experience as a clinician and academician, Ms. Estes has taught health assessment and physical examination courses to nurses and nursing students from a variety of backgrounds. Her hands-on approach in the classroom, clinical laboratory, and health care setting has consistently led to positive learning experiences for her students. Ms. Estes' professional development is well demonstrated at the local, regional, and national levels. She has delivered numerous presentations through- out the country. She has been an active member of the Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners, the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Sigma Theta Tau, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, American Nurses Association, and Virginia Nurses Association. Ms. Estes has been listed in Who's Who in American Nursing and Who's Who in American Education. She is currently a nurse practitioner at an internal medi-cine practice in Fairfax, Virginia, and a Nursing Consultant. Read More Read Less
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