Martyn R Lewis

Martyn R LewisMartyn R. Lewis is an acclaimed business professional with a vast background in all aspects of revenue generation. Born and educated in the UK, he emigrated to Canada in the early 80's s and now resides in the Napa area of northern California. His beiefs were shaped and honed over two decades in corporate sales and marketing, starting as a front-line sales person and eventually rising to CEO of a multinational, which included hundreds of sales people under his responsibility. In the mid-90s, he started his own company, Market-Partners Inc. ( interacting with many clients and most importantly with many of their customers. His consulting work uncovered the disconcerting fact that while most of his clients were doing good work presenting a good product, the results all too often suggested otherwise. After seeing this phenomenon so many times, it was obvious to him that something was missing; there was something more at play and he needed to find out.

Mr. Lewis consults globally and his work been used across 44 countries, in 17 languages, and has impacted over 85,000 sales professionals. He is internationally recognized as an extraordinary speaker, having delivered numerous keynote addresses live, on radio and television and he is a pioneer in utilizing webinar technology to deliver effective training through his sister company, 3GS ( Mr. Lewis acts as an advisor to a number of executives in the high technology industry and is active on several advisory boards and Boards of Directors, and has served as the Committee Chair for the Sales Enablement Community of Practice Advisory Board for the American Society for Training and Development, ASTD.

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