Martin J La Roche

Martin J La RocheMartin J. La Roche, PhD is a Latino psychologist who received his PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Massachusetts Boston. He is currently an assistant professor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School, Children's Hosptal Boston. For the last 16 years, he has served as director of Psychology Training at the Martha Eliot Health Center, where he treats an inner-city, culturally diverse community and trains doctoral-level psychology students. Honored with numerous research and academic awards, Dr. La Roche also served for seven years as co-chair and board member of the Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs of the Massachusetts Psychological Association. Having authored numerous articles and chapters on culturally competent psychotherapeutic services with ethnic minority groups, Dr. La Roche has been a private practitioner in the Cambridge, Massachusetts area for the last 16 years, where he treats a culturally diverse clientele. Read More Read Less

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