Martin Glaz SerupMartin Glaz Serup was born in 1978 and has published six children's books, most recently an illustrated story entitled When Granddad Was a Postman (2010), two chapbook-essays, as well as five earlier collections of poetry; his most recent, te long poem The Traffic Is Unreal (2007), was also published in Finland (2010). Serup is the former founding editor of the Nordic web- magazine for literary criticism Litlive and the literary journal Apparatur and managing editor of the poetry magazine Hvedekorn. He has been teaching creative writing at The University of Southern Denmark and at the writer's school for children's literature at The University of Aarhus and is now a PhD student at the University of Copenhagen. In 2006 Serup received the Michael Strunge Prize for poetry and in 2008 he received a Gold medal from The University of Copenhagen for his dissertation of Poetry and Relational Aesthetics. Read More Read Less
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