Martha J Markward

Martha J MarkwardDr. Markward earned her both MSW and PhD from the University of Illinois-Urbana. She is currently an associate professor in the University of Missouri's School of Social Work in Columbia where she teaches policy focused on women, poverty, and mental ealth, children's mental health, and evaluation of clinical practice. Although Dr. Markward's research and scholarly publications focus on women, children and youth, her research on women is related to violence against women. She co-edited a book entitled Reassessing Social Work Practice with Children and has contributed chapters in six books. Dr. Markward is particularly interested in gender-specific violence prevention research with females who are in the prepubescent stage of development, especially in the the ability of young females to cope with violence. Dr. Markward has practiced social work in hospital, public welfare, and school settings, primarily with low income women and children who have physical and/or mental disabilities. Read More Read Less

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Reassessing Social Work Practice with Children7 % NR
Publisher: Routledge
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21 Jul 1997
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