Marlene A Enderlein

Marlene A EnderleinMarlene A. Enderlein's professional career began in cardiology. She was fortunate to be involved in pediatric cardiology during its infancy, working with a team of dedicated pediatric cardiologists and surgeons to establish guidelines to assist in dignosing and managing infants and children with congenital heart disease. She authored and coauthored numerous medical journal articles and chapters in medical textbooks that have become standard references today. She worked with many subspecialties, teaching them skills to diagnose congenital heart disease from in utero to aiding the treatment in the adult with congenital heart disease. She retired in 2017 after thirty-three years.Following numerous personal losses, Marlene decided to pursue her interest in how loss affects the mind, body, spirit. She attended graduate school and received her master's degree in mental health and wellness with an emphasis in grief and bereavement. She currently is a volunteer bereavement counselor with hospice.Marlene enjoys gardening, reading, and all that nature has to offer in the San Francisco Bay area. Read More Read Less

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