Mark Tweeddale

Mark TweeddaleDr Mark Tweeddale is a consultant specializing in management of technical and project risks, and facilitation and peer reviews of risk studies. As former ANSTO Professor of Risk Engineering and Executive Director of the University of Sydney's Centre f Advanced Risk and Reliability Engineering, Mark has presented over 100 invited talks and papers to professional societies, government seminars, industrial conferences and universities in Australia and overseas. In his 25 years with ICI Australia Ltd, he has held a variety of production, engineering and commercial positions including Corporate Project Safety Manager and Technical Manager of the ICI Botany Chemical Factory.A Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, Mark was a member of the Research Standing Committee of the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission and participated in the Worksafe Australia Expert Working Group which prepared model regulations for Control of Major Hazards in Industry. He was a foundation member of the National Community Advisory Panel of the 'Responsible Care' program of the Australian Chemical Industry. In addition, he has chaired several committees of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, including the Chemical Engineering Branch of Sydney Division, the National Committee on Risk Engineering, and the Institution's Risk Engineering Society. Read More Read Less

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25 Jun 2003
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