Mark S Garner

Mark S GarnerMark S. Garner was born in Winchester, Kentucky. Mark's parents were missionaries for three years on the North Island of New Zealand. After returning to the states and several moves, his family settled in Linden, Tennessee, which Mark considers his hme. Mark graduated from Freed-Hardeman University with a Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education. He also graduated from the University of Tennessee at Martin with a Bachelor's Degree in Wildlife Biology. Mark earned his Master's Degree in Fisheries Science from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. His PhD in Natural Resources Management with a concentration in Wildlife Biology and an emphasis on White-tailed Deer was earned at Michigan State University. For over 20 years, Mark served as a Wildlife Biologist and Program Manager for USDA Forest Service throughout the Southeast.Currently, Mark and his family, Angie (his wife), Maisy, Braelyn, and Trevin (their three children), and Lily (their Jack Russell) live in Chapin, South Carolina.Get out and enjoy the outdoors! There's a lot of beauty and wonders to explore!Little Lily Lu-la: A Day of Play featured wildlife species: broad-headed skink, eastern gray squirrel, and eastern kingsnake. Read More Read Less

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