Mark F Hornick

Mark F HornickMark Hornick has lead the Java Data Mining (JSR-73) expert group since its inception in July of 2000, and now leads the JSR-247 expert group working towards JDM 2.0. Mr. Hornick brings nearly 20 years experience in the design and implementation of adanced distributed systems, including in-database data mining, distributed object management, and Java APIs. Mr. Hornick is a senior manager in Oracle's Data Mining Technologies group. Mr. Hornick joined Oracle through Oracle's acquisition of Thinking Machines Corporation in 1999. Prior to Thinking Machines, where he served as architect for TMC's next generation data mining software, Mr. Hornick was a Principal Investigator at GTE Laboratories, involved in advanced telecommunications network management software, distributed transaction management research, and distributed object management research. Mr. Hornick has contributed to several other data mining standards, including the Data Mining Group's PMML, ISO SQL/MM for Data Mining, and the Object Management Group's Common Warehouse Metadata. He has given talks at the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Databases, JavaOne, JavaPro Live!, and The ServerSide Symposium on data mining standards and JDM. He has also published various papers and articles over his career. Mr. Hornick holds a bachelor degree from Rutgers University in Computer Science, and a masters degree from Brown University, also in Computer science where he specialized in distributed object databases. Read More Read Less

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