Mark Eatwell

Mark EatwellMark Eatwell first started taking photos in Bedfordale, Western Australia several years ago. He was enjoying the local bushland on his walks, and began to share photos of the beautiful wildlife he saw on Facebook. Mark first spotted Old Blue, who is n the cover of this book, in 2016. Since then, he has spent hours photographing Old Blue and his family. He has watched their chicks play games and nestle together to keep warm in winter. He has seen the male chicks mature to develop their bright blue plumage, and leave the nest to start their own families.Mark's photos and videos have been shared worldwide. The Bedfordale Bush Market and BirdLife Australia have included his photos in their calendars. The City of Armadale has used Mark's photos in their promotional materials, and his photos have appeared in Aviary Life, and on several Facebook pages for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and the Australian Geographic. He dedicates this book to his wife Gillian, his daughter Katherine, and of course Old Blue, for being a good friend. Read More Read Less

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