Marjorie Salvaterra

Marjorie SalvaterraMarjorie Salvaterra is Los Angeles-based photographer whose work is full of drama, wit, and provocation. Her roles as a wife and mother inspired her ongoing interest in female community and the roles of women around the world. Marjorie got her start n photography while on a film set in Morocco, and her startlingly unique work soon caught the attention of museums and galleries around the world, including the Griffin Museum in Massachusetts; Musée de l'Elysée, in Lausanne, Switzerland; the Rencontres d'Arles in Arles, France; Duncan Miller Projects Gallery and MOPLA Opening Night Solo Exhibit in Los Angeles. Her work was included in the George Eastman House Museum auction at Sotheby's, in New York, and she was a runner-up for the 2009 and 2010 Berenice Abbot Prize for Emerging Photographers. Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, Salvaterra attended New York University before moving to Los Angeles, where she currently lives with her husband and two children. Read More Read Less

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