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Marjorie Gadd

Marjorie GaddMarjorie Gadd is a teacher, musician and writer. She is co-founder of the Tasmanian Heritage Fiddle Ensemble and the Huon Heritage Ensemble, two groups dedicated to the propagation and revival of traditional Tasmanian country dance music. She was pricipal writer in the multi-media productions Jane Franklin - an Examined Life and FIRE, a history of the 1967 Tasmanian bushfires. She is the author of 'Eureka One: a creative approach to beginning violin' and co-author of 'On the Fiddle and The Tasmanian Heritage: Apple Shed Dance Tunes Book'. As a 6th generation Tasmanian, and long-time resident of Southern Tasmania, she has a vital interest in Tasmania's unique and evolving culture. Read More Read Less

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Golden Valley7 % NR
Publisher: Ashwood Publishing
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15 Nov 2022
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