Marjorie B St Clair

Marjorie B St ClairMARJORIE BEENE ST.CLAIR, holds a BS in English and graduate degrees in Whole Systems Design and Women's Studies. Since beginning her career as writing teacher, coach and writing retreat leader more than a decade ago, she has focused her writing & grop facilitating skills in helping women find their unique voice through writing and encourages them to publish.She has authored and published two writing workbooks. Her book "Wild Women Write: Re-Connecting with the Wild Feminine" contains a wide variety of myths and stories intended to help women identify their close connection to the wild things of nature and their own instinctual knowing that may have gone missing in their lives. Writing exercises throughout the book encourage writers to engage both mentally and emotionally with the material. There are also many art exercises that offer further opportunities to express creativity.Her second writing workbook "Writes of Passage: Writing Through the Seasons of Your Life" contains stories, myths, art and writing exercises that guide writers through six phases of life. Participants have used writing from this book as material for writing their memoirs. Art exercises and writing prompts are a key part of both workbooks.She was an activist in helping to create the global women's movement that emerged from work done in the Second Wave feminist movement and is honored to have her letters, photos, and notes from her time as President and member of the International NOW Chapter in Paris in the 70s be archived at the Women's History library at Lesley College at Harvard. She has also been a vision quest leader for women's groups on vision quests to the desert and also developed a women's empowerment program through a non-profit group she created called WomanSpirit Maui.Marjorie's first memoir, "A Southern Belle in Paris: Bikinis, Bombs, de Beauvoir & Billy Bob" will be available Fall/Winter 2022.Visit her at where you can subscribe to her newsletter & check out new offerings; or connect with her on Facebook at Writers Adventure, or LinkedIn. Read More Read Less

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Southern Belle in Paris21 % NR
Publisher: Earth Muse Press
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30 Nov 2022
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