Mariya Ivancheva

Mariya IvanchevaMariya Ivancheva is an anthropologist and sociologist. Her doctoral dissertation (CEU, 2013) explored ethnographically the development of the Bolivarian University of Venezuela. Since then she has worked as a post-doctoral research fellow on projectsexploring housing in (post)socialist Sofia and Caracas (CAS, Sofia 2014), the casualisation of labour in post-crisis academia (UCD, 2014-2017), and the impact of digital technologies and marketisation processes on inequalities in the South African and UK higher education sectors (University of Leeds 2017-2018). Mariya has published widely on the legacy of socialist regimes, and the role of academic intellectuals and universities in processes of social change. She is a member of the editorial board of the web-portal for comments and analyses on Eastern Europe, LeftEast. Read More Read Less

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