Mario Morellón Marteles

Mario Morellón MartelesMario Morellón Marteles is a lecturer in Geology at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. His research has been focused on the reconstruction of past environmental changes based on the multidisciplinary analysis of lake sediments from key area (Mediterranean Basin, South America, and Tibet) influenced by the main modes of climate variability (North Atlantic Oscillation, ENSO, and Indian Summer Moonson) and/or different human impacts, from the late Pleistocene to the Anthropocene. His approach is based on sedimentological and geochemical proxies but integrates biological indicators as well. During his career in Spain, United Kingdom and Switzerland, M. Morellón has led and participated in projects and scientific initiatives aimed to disentangle the relative contributions of human activities and climate variability on recent environmental change, integrating different natural archives and proxies. Read More Read Less

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Climate and Anthropogenic Impacts on Earth Surface Processes in the Anthropocene18 % NR
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