Mario Di Gangi

Mario Di GangiMariano Di Gangi resides in Toronto after a career as pastor in Canada and the United States, as a teacher at the Ontario Theological Seminary, and as an evangelist. His interest in Peter Martyr resulted in his Bachelor of Divinity thesis at The Presyterian College, Montreal, 1949, on Peter Martyr Vermigli's life and work, including The Creed as appendix. That early work has now been expanded and published as Peter Martyr Vermigli: Renaissance Man, Reformation Master (1993), while the Credo begins the present volume. Joseph C. McLelland is emeritus professor of McGill University and of The Presbyterian College, Montreal, and general editor of the Peter Martyr Library. His writings in philosophy and theology include The Visible Words of God: The Sacramental Theology of Peter Martyr Vermigli (1957) and The Life, Early Letters and Eucharistic Writings of Peter Martyr (with G. E. Duffield; 1989). Read More Read Less

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