Mario de Matos

Mario de MatosMario de Matos has over 40 years of experience as an agriculturist involved in low- and high-input agricultural development systems worldwide. He has researched in over 40 countries with specialists of private consulting firms such as Africa Global Shaffer and with public international institutions including USAID, EU, and IFDC. His experience includes the sugar industry by-products, crop processing added value, agroforestry development, and Out Growers Cooperatives and Associations developments in a multitude of social, technical, and cultural environments. Dr. de Matos received his bachelor's degree in agricultural sciences in 1975 from Escola Superior Agraria, at Vila Pery, Mozambique and is a member of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists - Louisiana Division, Australian Institute of Agricultural Sciences, South African Sugar Technologists Association, Associação Portuguesa de Ciências Agrárias, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, and Soils Sciences Society of Nigeria. He was awarded the Portuguese Diaspora Diploma in 2009 Read More Read Less

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