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Marilu Garbi

Marilu GarbiMarilu Garbi is a certified Scrum Master and the founder of Well Formed Teams, a consulting firm that assists small and medium-size companies in the implementation of agile principles to improve their work environments, increase productivity, and brig more value to their customers. She has 20 years of experience as a business owner of a print shop in Naples FL. She holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from the Universidad Central de Venezuela and an Associate of Applied Science degree in film and TV production. She spent four years writing for a Venezuelan news radio station and a year as a reporter for a local TV channel before moving to the United States in 2000 to start a family.Marilu's writing includes the scripts for two short films, Thinking Out Loud (2018) and In Tango (2019), which she also produced and performed in.Marilu has been published in the Elephant Journal, Inspire Me Today, and writes for her personal blog, Downloads of Wisdom. She also hosted the radio program Meaningful Connections on BlogTalkRadio.In her spare time she does Improv Theatre and dances the Argentinian tango with her life partner.You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram @marilugarbi Read More Read Less

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