Marietta Beregi

Marietta BeregiMarietta Beregi lives in Budapest, Hungary, with her family. She was born into a family of a Greek Catholic priests. Spirituality has always been very important to her, including respect, love, and devotion to Mother Mary and Jesus. After graduating rom a Catholic school, she obtained an advanced degree in religious studies at a college of theology, as well as advanced studies in English. For years she taught religious education and led a youth group. She worked 18 years as a teacher before dedicating her life to her family and to raising her two children. Years of parenting served to deepen inner paths. As a spiritual self-expression, Marietta started writing poems in 2015, and in 2016 her first volume was published under the title "Lanterns of Love." More recently she has been translating spiritual books also.In the summer of 2020, while translating into Hungarian the first volume of the book series "Choose Only Love" by Sebastián Blaksley, she felt the presence of Mother Mary. About that unforgettable meeting she says: "Mother Mary's being was loving and beautiful. She exuded infinite tenderness and love. Her light filled my heart and completely surrounded my physical being. I was filled with boundless happiness and profound peace, and I lingered without words in her loving embrace."Afterwards she felt the loving presence and guidance of Jesus as well, and she writes down his words to this day.On March 14, 2022, she started a daily chain of prayers to Mother Mary for peace in the heart and the world under the name Roses of Peace.Since 2020, Marietta has been writing Mother Mary's messages of wisdom and love. So far, five books have been received, of which "Dewdrops of Wisdom" is the first to be published. She shares the inspiring and loving thoughts of Mother Mary on her website and on Facebook, named: "Dewdrops of Wisdom." Read More Read Less

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