Marianne Broug

Marianne BrougMarianne Broug was a professional musician and music teacher, and is now a writer. She has performed extensively throughout Australia in all arenas of music including opera, chamber music and symphony orchestra. For over twenty years Marianne suffere from depression and anxiety, and for over twenty she sought out healing, wholeness and Truth. She underwent two rigorous and lengthy therapies as well as pursued intensive spiritual practices, meditation, dialectic and inquiry. Early in 2008 Marianne had a deep awakening into her true identity as Emptiness or Consciousness. However, rather than an ending, this awakening was just a beginning. Much integration, unravelling and clearing has since taken place and the deepening continues to this day. However, in knowing this Truth, rather than the suffered turmoil and suicidality of the past, there is peace, contentment and the sense that all is deeply well. She has previously had two books published: Flute with a Twist (a music book for children) and Seventeen Voices: Life and Wisdom from inside 'mental illness'. She lives in the beautiful Adelaide Hills. Read More Read Less

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