Maria Teresa Ferretti

Maria Teresa FerrettiDr. Maria Teresa Ferretti is a neuroscientist and neuroimmunologist, expert in Alzheimer's disease and gender medicine. In 2016, together with Dr. Schumacher-Dimech, Dr. Santuccione Chadha and Gautam Maitra, she co-founded the nonprofit organization Women's Brain Project" (where she currently serves as Chief Scientific Officer), a world leader in the study of sex and gender characteristics in brain and mental health as the gateway to precision medicine.

After graduating in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technologies at University of Cagliari (Italy), she studied and worked in England, Canada (where she earned a PhD in Pharmacology and Pharmacological Therapy at McGill University in Montreal), Switzerland and Austria. Her studies have been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals, including Nature, and she is regularly invited by leading scientific conferences to lecture on Alzheimer's disease, precision medicine and the differences between men and women in neurology and psychiatry. She has taught in numerous university courses and is currently 'External Teacher' at the Medical University of Vienna; in addition, Dr. Ferretti is responsible for continuous medical education courses in the field of gender and precision medicine.

Passionate about scientific communication and motivated by the desire to break the stigma on mental and brain diseases, she was a TED-x speaker in 2019 and in 2021; in 2021, together with Antonella Santuccione Chadha, she wrote the book for the general public 'Una bambina senza testa' (Edizioni Mondo Nuovo). Read More Read Less

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Sex and Gender Differences in Neurological Disease9 % NR
Publisher: Elsevier Science
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01 Aug 2022
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