Maria Jose Goncalves

Maria Jose GoncalvesRui Aragao Oliveira is a full member and supervising analyst of the Portuguese Psychoanalytical Society (PPS) and International Psychoanalytical Association. He is the director of the training committee of the PPS, past president of the PPS, past edior-in-chief of the Portuguese Psychoanalytical Review, and past editor of Psychoanalysis Today. He teaches at the Psychoanalytical Institute in Lisbon and has been working with clinical groups for the IPA with the three level model. He has published on the theory of technique, paternal function, and clinical issues. Maria Jose Goncalves is a medical doctor, child psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, child psychoanalyst, and full member and supervising analyst of the Portuguese Psychoanalytical Society (PPS) and International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). She is the former president of the PPS Board and Institute Board, and past director of the PPS Training Committee. In the PPS Institute, she promotes the training on psychoanalytic ethics. She was a former director of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Pediatric Hospital in Lisbon, where she founded a mental health infancy unit. She has published numerous papers, especially on infant psychoanalysis and on clinical issues. Joao Seabra Diniz is a full member and supervising analyst of the Portuguese Psychoanalytical Society (PPS) and International Psychoanalytical Association. He started his psychoanalytic training in Italy and continued it in Lisbon at SPP. For many years, he was involved in the formation of candidates for psychoanalysis. He is past president of the SPP and of the Institute of Psychoanalysis of Lisbon/SPP. He is the former director of the Social Action Service at Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa, and worked in the childhood and youth sector, where he collaborated in the launch of Adoption in Portugal. For some years, he collaborated with the Center for Judicial Studies, training in matters related to the abandonment and adoption of children. He is former national director of the Family and Child Support Project-PAFAC. He was a member of the National Commission for the International Year of the Child. Read More Read Less

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