Maria de la Paz Roman Diaz

Maria de la Paz Roman DiazCatalina Martinez Padilla holds a PhD in History from the University of Granada (1979) and has been Professor at the University of Almeria. She has carried out numerous archaeological excavations and directed the surveys carried out in the Alto Almanora between 1994 and 2002. She made a research stay at the University of Cambridge in 1989. Her research focuses on the Bronze Age and processes during prehistoric times. Maria de la Paz Roman Diaz is Full Professor in the area of Prehistory since 2016 at the University of Almeria (Spain) and Coordinator of the Master's in Advanced Studies in History: the Western Mediterranean World, since 2020. Her lines of research focus on early agricultural-livestock societies, sedentarization processes, territory occupation, resources and paleoenvironmental studies. She has participated in several research projects since those carried out in the Alto Almanzora and is currently participating in the R+D+i AQUIVERGIA project as a research member. Maria Juana Lopez Medina is Full Professor of Ancient History (Dept. of Geography, History and Humanities, University of Almeria, Spain). She obtained her PhD in History in 1997. Her research activity is focused on the analysis of the settlement of the Roman period in the southern peninsular, including paleoenvironmental reconstruction and water management, as well as the study of production models and social inequalities in the Roman world. She has participated in more than 10 R+D+I projects, and is currently co-IP of the AQVIVERGIA Project - Society-environment interaction in river basins of Southern Hispania: conceptualization and praxis. Read More Read Less

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