Margaret Shaida

Margaret ShaidaMargaret Shaida was born in England. She married an Iranian and went to live in her husband's country in 1955. She stayed there for 25 years and learned Persian cooking from her mother-in-law and other friends and relatives in their own kitchens. Herlove of Persian food grew even more passionate during the five years she spent researching this book. What she takes us on is a culinary adventure, illustrating the diversity of food as represented by its many different religions ̶ Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Zoroastrian ̶ whilst explaining the many customs and traditions which make up the exotic and colourful threads in a cuisine which spans more than three thousand years. Read More Read Less

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The Legendary Cuisine of Persia30 % NR
Publisher: Grub Street
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19 Apr 2019
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Legendary Cuisine of Persia29 % NR
Publisher: Grub Street
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