Marcus Foehner

Marcus FoehnerBorn in the suburbs till i was 10 years old and then moved to the country along with my family. As a young man nearing middle age I always prayed seeking Gods face, a closer walk with Jesus, and freedom from active addiction. Addiction to T.V., work,gambling, Sex (porn), drugs and alcohol, and today would add social media. For 33 years I attended church, 12 step self help meetings, and consulted with counselors and therapist. I always read and studied the literature and books for what ever program i was in, practicing what i was told to do to find seace, sobriety, and serenity. I used to enjoy using drugs, (alcohol is a drug), to free my mind from reality, from coping with feelings and emotions, from dealing with life. I finally found freedom and was set free from the world and all its vices that had me bound up, in bondage. God passed through me and into the world, onto these pages set before you. I am an established roofer and have been in the construction trade my entire working life from a young age tagging along with my father.That is what is amazing about this book because after high school there wasn't much reading and writing going on.These pages came from God and he used me to write them down. Read More Read Less

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Hear My Voice And Come Home24 % NR
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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25 Jun 2021
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Hear My Voice and Come Home1 % NR
Publisher: Dog Ear Publishing
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06 Aug 2019
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