Marco Roscini

Marco RosciniDr Marco Roscini is Reader in International Law at the University of Westminster School of Law. He has a PhD in international law from the University of Rome 'La Sapienza'. Dr Roscini specialises in the international law of armed conflict (both jus a bellum and jus in bello) and disarmament law. His book on nuclear weapon-free zones is so far the only book that comprehensively deals with nuclear weapon-free zones from an international law perspective. His scholarship has also appeared or is forthcoming in important peer-reviewed journals, as well as in several edited books. His publications have been widely cited in legal literature and judicial decisions. Dr Roscini was previously a Research Fellow at the University of Verona School of Law and lectured on the international law of armed conflict at University College London, King's College London and Queen Mary, University of London. He collaborated with the International Justice Project at the International Secretariat of Amnesty International, for which he prepared extensive commentaries on the implementation of the International Criminal Court's Statute in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Italy. Dr Roscini also participated in several research projects that were granted funding from the Italian government, the most recent one focusing on immunities in international law. In 2002, he was awarded a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) grant for a research stay at the Max-Planck Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg. He is currently the holder of a Leverhulme Research Fellowship for his research on cyber warfare. Dr Roscini is a member of the International Law Association (ILA)'s Committee on Nuclear Weapons, Non-Proliferation and Contemporary International Law and of the European Union Non-Proliferation Consortium. Read More Read Less

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International Law and the Principle of Non-Intervention4 % NR
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Non-Proliferation Law as a Special Regime32 % NR
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